Friday, July 21, 2006

New Car...

I bought a new car awhile back. I would post a picture, but Holly has it. I let her take it so she could keep some miles off her lease. I really wanted a GM car but my uncle just never came through. So instead I went with Japan made...I got a Mazda 6. The car is really sweet. It is fast and good looking....not to mention I got a sweet deal on it. I prayed for a new car for a like a month at least...and THE BIG MAN finally put the right car in place. It was like it was meant to be...sounds a little goofy...but I really believe it's true. The first thing the guy I bought from and I started talking about when I checked out his car was God and being was so sweet. He came down on his price and I got a nice car from a nice guy. God Rocks!


Yi said...

Hey, as nice as Mazda 6 can be, try to buy more GM cars, would ya? To help keep my dad's job... My shameless plugging of the month :)

Holly said...

Um, I thought that was MY new car. You kept saying, "Sweetie, how do you like your surprise?"

The Professor said...

I would gladly buy a GM car if someone I knew would get me a good deal...really good deal...otherwise I have to buy what I can afford :oP and still look cool drivin' it!

VRA said...

Yeah, and Joey--I'd really like my parent's insurance and retirement to remain active for a while and without you supporting GM...well...they might be moving in with you in the basement if they have to pay for their own health insurance! ;-) Congrats on the new car.