Monday, March 28, 2005

It's been awhile

It has been awhile since I have I kind of feel like I have been being a slacker. Which is most oftenly true. I tend to leave things until the last minute or forget about things I should remember. But I think everyone does that from time to time.


I have been struggling with giving God control lately...well actually it has always been an issue with me...but lately I have come to notice it more. I like to be in charge of the things I do. I always want to be the fixer of situations...gotta have my way. But recently, I have been trying to do less of it. It isn't so easy...especially if you have been doing it for like 26 years. Listening for God and being quiet...letting him move me like the wind gently moving a feather through the sky. is tough though. There are some things in life that I want to happen and I want them right now...but I am learning to be still. My friend HMB can attest to the fact this is an issue with me...or my friend Nick....or Eric....or just about anyone who knows me well.

It becomes ever so evident in things like phone calls. I give my friends like ummm....maybe an hour to call me back and then I bug the crap out of them by calling and calling and calling repeatedly because they haven't called me back yet. What the I an idiot...that drives me nuts when people do it to why do I do it then? What did I ever do before I had a stupid cell phone. I feel like that with God sometimes...I will pray...but if I don't get an answer right away, then I do the phone call thing. Patience is a virtue that is hard to achieve....but I know God is working on me with it.


Holly said...

You make me laugh. God likes your phone calls, though. I read somewhere or maybe heard it at Riverview that God says to us, "Just you try to annoy me. Bring it on. I can handle it." Well, those might not be His exact words but that was what I remember. Of course, this is God saying it, not me....ha!

The Professor said...

I know I am annoying...sorry.

Maybe if you were more like GOD though... :op