Thursday, June 02, 2005

Jury Duty

Opened my mail yesterday to find out that I am suppose to serve jury duty for the week of June 20th.....ummm....ya right....I will be in Germany for my mission trip.

I the number and leave a message. Then I call my good ol' friend HMB and get the advice to call the number (which I had already done). But for some reason she calmed me down a bit. So I tried to relax and just be patient for a return phone call........

After I return from my baseball game....which we won our very last game...yeah!!....I check the messages...

beep!.."This is the clerk at the court office for jurers...we can re-schedule your jury time for whenever you would like...please call back tomarrow."

So today I call and God fixed everything. I am not sure why I even really worried in the first place. God was probably laughing at me as I learn to trust that he is in charge and I am not.

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