Thursday, July 28, 2005

Storm Chasin'!

In my quest to finsih my master's program by editing together my final video presentation, I stumbled across a video of me being stupid. I love storms and chasing them. I found an entire video of my quest to meet God via being struck by lightening. It is hillarious because it starts off with the radio blairing the advanced weather warning beep on the car radio....telling everyone to take shelter...but where am my car shooting video :o)

I know I am crazy...but when I watched this video....I think I may have had an appipahny....I really may be nuts! :oP It looks almost like I am driving through a tornado....but it is just a really terrible thunderstorm. There is even a spot where my car is being pelted with hail...and the cops blocked my direction on the road. Gosh...I miss the Jimmy and the thunderstorms we had last year. We could use some more....I want to try out the Albatrous...AKA..the Impala in the nasty weather. I bet she doesn't handle as well as the 4 X 4. Maybe we'll just have to work on getting a new truck. :o) Or maybe an STi Subaru...that would be sweet. Anyways...if you ever want to see me being nuts...just ask me to show you the video. :o)

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