Saturday, January 14, 2006

Anatomy of falling down the stairs.

So I was in a hurry tonight and raced up the stairs to find some dress shoes. As I came back down the stairs....I had a little spill. I slipped and fell...grabbed a banister railing and it snapped...and continued tumbling down the stairs to my doom.

Luckily I wasn't seriously hurt....I am still really sore, and I still have a charlie horse in my thight, but nothing was broke...other than my banister.

While it was happening it wasn't so funny. But luckily for me....Holly thought it was hillarious and managed to convince me to reinact it for you all to see.

Her my initial fall.

"Are you...hahahahaa......ok....hahahahahha?!"

So nice to know I am loved so deeply. ;o)


Yi said...

You know, those stairs ARE really dangerous, you should be more careful next time... Hope you don't hurt so bad now!

VRA said...

You better slow down--people your age are prone to hip fractures.

Dan Price said...

at least i fell on ice...

VRA said...

Are you on Update Strike too?

ShannaKay said...

Yeah??? Where's the cool superbowl picture? Barend...

: )

The Professor said...

ok ya go!