Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Resolution

I am tired of not telling the truth in full. When I was a kid my dad would tell me bits and pieces of the truth....he didn't lie to me...just didn't tell me everything ya know?! I think he wanted to protect me from being disappointed or from getting frustrated, but in reality it made me more upset. Well...I must confess...I have been doing a lot of that to people lately. And to all of you, I am sorry. Take it from is way better to tell a person the whole truth and deal with the initial upsetting of their feelings than letting it fester for months and months...only to have the truth finally surface and have to deal with it anyways. It always is just a matter of when....maybe not till after you die...but other people will find out.

So my resolution for the new year is to be honest with everyone around me if they ask me a question about my life I will answer them a kind way. Even if they ask me something that may hurt. For instance...if you ask me if your new hair do is cool, but I think it is ugly...I will tell you that isn't my taste in haircuts...ya dig?


Holly said...

I dig. But if you tell me my haircut sucks, I'll tell my mama and then...there might be an "accident" the next time you go in for a trim.

I understand, too. Still, you are one of the most honest people I know. You so don't want to see people hurting. I admire that about you but also look forward to knowing everything (even though I already did). You're dope, Corr.

VRA said...

Remind me to never, ever ask your opinion about ANYTHING! (Especially my new haircut)


The Professor said...

Loki's haircut is way cute...haven't seen VRA in a long I couldn't tell ya. So are you ever coming back to Lansing to hang out?