Friday, November 12, 2004

Something different

I was wondering today about relationships. What God thinks about my relationships with other people. Sometimes I feel pretty good about my interactions with other people...other times I don't! I know Jesus wants us to love our neighbors...that was his #1 commandment. But what does that look like? Everyday God puts an image of himself in our lives....they are the other people around us...

That made me think...

So if the other people around us are images of God...why do I sometimes treat other people like garbage? I am therefore I know the role God wants me to play...I know the example I should be setting...why do I have such a hard time then doing it on a consistant basis?

The reason...
I could say..."Well I am not perfect"...but I feel that is a cop out! I think the real reason is that I am selfish...and lazy. I don't want to put myself out I hide behind my computer telling my feelings to no one...or everyone...depends how you look at it. I want to be part of the bride of Christ...beautiful and radiant...not bruised and battered. Just some food for thought.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I wonder why we are always second guessing ourselves. Being such fallible creatures, I think it is in our nature. Sometimes I tell myself no matter how hard I try, I will never be as good and Christ-like as I want. But I think we are so much better because we have a new image in Christ.

Yesterday, I was acting like such a snob. I don't know what my deal was! A sales rep was calling and making a huge deal out of nothing. It suddenly occured to me that I needed to straighten up and act as if helping this man would be like helping Jesus. My attitude changed midstream and I quit thinking of him as being an annoyance.

Question to consider (from Rick Warren): What common task could I start doing as if I were doing it directly for Jesus?