Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Big Let Down...

One of the biggest things I hate more than anything is losing! You can just ask anyone who knows me. I am competitive to a fault and I am very intense. I have lost at a lot of things, and been ticked off and disappointed and all that...but I never thought I would take losing a powderpuff game so hard. Maybe it was because they were seniors, and they should've won. Maybe it was because we lost 44-6 last year to the same coach. Unfortunately, we came up short once again....27-28. It was one of the best fought football games I have ever been a part of. Maybe that is why I took it so hard....

The reality is....those girls busted their butts, and it wasn't quite good enough. I feel like I let them down. They were so pumped up, and we just couldn't seem to score. As we walked off the field...and I huddled my team up. I looked into all their teary faces and let them know just how proud I was of them. I told them not to hang their heads, because they left it all on the field. I don't know if it made a difference...but I was proud of them.


Yi said...

Rosa Parks passed away, I thought about you telling me about her... How are you?

The Professor said...

I am very busy...I hate it right now.