Thursday, September 02, 2004

Silence and stars

Last night the sky was totally clear and the stars were out in full force, so I decided to go for a late night stroll.

As I walked I realized that everything was so still and silent. It made me wonder if I spend enough time being silent myself. I am a talker and can be pretty fidgity. There was no one around, just me and the stars...and yet there was a ton of noise. Not the kind of noise like cars and airplanes and people, but the noise of my thoughts, hopes and fears all taking the moment of silence to become loud. It was like my inner being could not just enjoy the night and the calmness, it had to break the silence.

Sometimes with God it is like that too...
I spend so much time talking to God and so much less time listening. My friend Noel preached a sermon on silence in church and we just sat there at one point making no noise. I felt like I was going to go crazy because I could talk, just sit one talked. That is the same way I felt when I was walking in the starlight. Going to explode from silence! It made me think about my relationship with God. Do I wait on him, or just tell him what is on my heart and then fill the rest of the silence with other I don't have to listen.


Holly said...

Would you shut up already? :)

Holly said...

I can't do it...the force isn't strong with this one :op