Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Teenage kids

It is funny to me how similar and so different teenagers are from elementary ages students. I have found that my interaction with them when it comes to problems they face in their lives is so similar to the problems faced by younger children.

The dynamics of their problems seem to be more dramaticized for teenagers. I am not saying that their issues are not valid, but sometimes the drama that they infuse into their problems is simply amazing. I wonder as a teacher and a Christian, how I can help them cope with their issues in a God loving way. Is it possible to die to myself and serve God while maintaining the professionalism of being an educator? The line is very fine, but I am finding the doors to be opening more and more with my students.

God's power is ever present!

Lord, open my eyes to see! Teach me how to be an effective follower and disciple of Christ to my students!

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