Thursday, February 10, 2005

Am I Job? (pronounced..JOBE)

Ok so this day is finally done! And I am so was the day from hell. I felt like Job from the old testament.

First I got up early from a whining happens when he has to go potty. So I let Titan out and left Cain to sleep some more....which is normal. But I came back in and he was pissing all over the brand new bed I had bought him. So I had to take care of that and all that jazz. As I turn the corner I noticed some cat puke. As I am cleaning it up, I notice five more spots of cat puke. Now I feel like Noah...can you imaging the work he had to do on the ark just feeding and cleaning up after those frickin' animals?! I now have to find the culprit.

(read with an Aussie accent)
As I put on my crocodile hunter moves trying to stalk Chessie...I follow her distinctive "yacking" sound....only to find her hiding up inside of the bottom of my couch. I carefully tip over her nesting place and remove the ferocious calico from her resting spot. While doing so, I gracefully put my hand in an unseen pile of vomit! CRIEKIE...she's got me. I wrestle her into her crate and plan for the move to the vet. more accent. I go back to bed for 40 more minutes of sleep. Back to feeling like Job and not Noah. I get ready...I am running late...I go to start the car...and it won't start! I try for fifteen minutes to get her running...but nothing. I call my father...he can take the cat to the vet. I call a friend for a ride to work...but then the dang thing starts. I am ten minutes late for school. Kids are waiting in the hallway...the bell had already I should've stayed in bed. That was the kind of day I fun!

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