Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Ish Concert

I went to the Jackson County Fair last night to watch the Riverview band "Ish" play. They were really good. There were actually a lot of people there considering it was a "fair" stage. It would've been cooler if they had gotten to play on the fact I think they were better than the pre-show for Switchfoot. I bought a set of tickets from Noel...they were sweet seats....2nd row dead center. I felt kind of out of place though with all of the screaming teenage girls surrounding us. Oh ya...forgot to mention....HMB was there with me...we had met up at the "Ish" concert coincidentally. Hadn't seen her in over two was nice to catch up a little. But anyways....the concert was good. After the concert HMB and I went around to see the sights the some fair grub....and see the animals. Oh is not cool to tell your friend to "watch out" as they step in cow crap...and then laugh at them. Man...I will find my revenge on that just wait. But it was a good time...

After walking around waiting for the concert to begin...we finally went to see Switchfoot. I only knew about four of the songs...but they were really good. We were crammed into folding chairs...and had to crawl over a guy with crutches to sit down for the concert. The preband was still playing...not bad...but like I said before..."Ish" was a lot better. The weather was really muggy we skipped out after they played the three songs we really knew well. So I guess we heard 8 songs or so...(random thought: can you start and end a sentence with a the word "so"?....well I just did :P) I thought about the concert...and the fun I had hanging with HMB....walked back to my car and left. Went to bed and had some crazy dreams about the president being attack in the middle east...and then woke up this morning.


Yi said...

Did you get cotton candy? I really don't know why I am so obsessed about it :)

The Professor said...

No...I should've though.

VRA said...

I wonder if the same theory applies to fair food as does hot & spicy food, having bad dreams?

The Professor said...

Quite possibly...although I didn't really eat that much of it. HMB had more than I did. If she had weird dreams too, is the cause.