Monday, August 22, 2005

First Day Jitters

Wow...the first day of school came and went. Kids don't arrive until Wednesday. I saw so many familiar faces and so many excited teachers. It was fun being back in school...I know I used the word fun. But I like my job and the people I work with most of the time. In fact, I have taught at almost every building in Mason....I know almost all the teachers. It is kind of cool. Everyone knows me, so I kind of feel important....even though I am just a High School art teacher. :o)

But it is like the first day of school..."so what did you do this summer?" The most common question from those that haven't seen you in three months. I talked about Germany and was surprised that so many people knew about it from other people...and wanted to hear all about it. It was so cool to see God working in the public schools. After the typical welcome back to school first day activities we broke down into buildings for school briefings and meetings. The high school teachers had an ice breaker that the principals was a cross word puzzle that we had to complete in groups of five. Each person's last name was a word in the puzzle. The clue for each name was something that they had done over the summer....they had it down that I went on a mission trip to Germany....I was shocked that they remembered...and that was how they had described me. It got better when we left to our departments...because one of the principal's asked "so did you grow alot spiritually from the mission trip?...Did it make you have a closer relationship with God? is so good that I can talk about this with you at school" I couldn't believe it! How awesome!


Yi said...

You are important, and what you do is very important as well. And most importantly, God is using you where you are at, that is really awesome :)

Yi said...

You need to update, really :)

The Professor said...

I's coming!