Saturday, August 06, 2005

Angry and Mad

I have been trying to spend a lot of time lately just contemplating life and trying to listen for God's direction....through prayer and reading my bible. What I can't stand is all of the slack I take from friends and family when I get questions about my life that only God really knows. For instance...

"Joey, when are you ever going to get married?"
"How come you haven't found a girlfriend?"
"How come you are not more active in finding someone to date?"
"Why do you spend so much time praying and reading your bible?"
"When is your car going to run again?"...had to throw that one in there....
"How come you are so busy?"
The list is really long...but you kind of get the idea....these are all things that piss me off!

While it is totally true...almost every single friend I have is married, having kids, or intently "dating" someone, my time needs to be spent seeking God for him to move me....not for me to try and move him!

First, let me just say...I haven't dated anyone in nearly a year. For some that might not seem like that long of time....but for has seemed like an eternity based on the circumstances I have been through....and for friends and relatives...I guess they see me coming up on 27 and are worried. Well let me put the worries to rest! GOD IS IN CONTROL PEOPLE! I haven't dated anyone because I don't feel God has place the right person in my life....I spend a lot of time praying and reading the Bible so I can find out more about God and his purpose for me....I am busy because if I wasn't I would probably go insane and become a hermit on some mountain top talking to wild animals.....wait....maybe that last part is coming fulfilled with all of the pets that inhabit my residence. Just kidding....but seriously....People wonder why I get worked up about things like's because they are always constantly bothering me with the same frickin' questions....which I don't have the answers to!!!! Simply reitterated....GOD IS IN CONTROL PEOPLE! If God wants me to get married....then I don't have much choice....if he doesn't...then I will just wait for him. Sounds like a sound thing to do.

While my car is nearly running again...and I am doing well on the outside....inside I am frustrated. I do want God to put someone in my life, but I don't want to be in control of that situation....I always screw it up! He needs to heal me and guide me spiritually, mentally and emotionally. I am giving God time to change me and prepare me so when I do meet someone...I will be ready...mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and willingly. So the next person that ask's me "Joey....why...." I might just explode...and deck them in the face! Or more likely just say "Hey...God is in control...that is good enough for me!"

So if there is anyone out there who still reads this....pray for this for me....please. ;o)


Yi said...

Way to stand up for your belief :) And yea, I hate those questions too

The Colonel said...

hey, i don't know you, just randomly clicked on your link from Noel's blog, and your post caught my eye.

I %100 connected with what you said in your blog, i am so frustrated internally and people around me aren't much help (plus they're all married or engaged!)

So if nothing else know you have another brother in the struggle with ya!

The Professor said...

Well brother...thank you so much for the support. It does get frustrating...and it is good to know that I'm not alone. Do you live in the Lansing area?

The Professor said...

Thanks Kirk,

Noel's message really hit me on this at Church yesterday. In fact...I tried to come home and memorize James 1. I desperately want wisdom on the therefor I must seek it with totally expectation that God will give it to me. The same thing with being at peace. I appreciate the prayers....really appreciate the prayers.


Maranda said...

I stumbled upon your Blogger a while ago because we are both from the same area... Mason! I hear stuff like that all of the time. My family is pushy in that aspect, but I did get married young and divorced young therefore getting into a relationship a getting married is not always the solution! I am 26 and now a single divorced mother! Sometimes its better to wait... and let God show you the way!

The Professor said...

Bingo Miranda....that is what I am saying ;o) Give it to God...

It is true...anger prevents you from serving the lord. James 1 has been one of my "life" verses for a long time. It was really strange to have Noel preach on it and have it affect me in a new way that it had not before. Pretty cool how God works :o)

The Colonel said...

no, i'm from the minneapolis area, i just know noel from back in the day ;o).

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The Professor said...

WTF...Now I have spammers on my blog. Anyone know how to get rid of that BS!