Thursday, September 08, 2005

New B-day bash ideas!

So I had it suggested to me that since we can't go see a baseball game maybe we should just have one....well better yet....maybe wiffle ball....anyone? Sounded kind of fun to me. Also, 621 sounds fun...but remember they have a cover fee$$. Not all of us have tons of extra loot with the gas prices around $3 a gallon. But I would be up for it for sure! I believe that we should do dinner in celebration of me, and then plan on going out. Say dinner around 6:30-7ish...then go out afterward to somewhere for a few cheap drinks....then to 621.

For those of you who really care...we could do some wiffle ball on the Varsity baseball field at Mason...prior to dinner with enough time to clean up for dinner. Nothing major, but I need to know who would be in for would make me happy...especially if I get the Varsity Baseball position which I interview for the day before my birthday! Let me know peoples!

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