Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Getting real...

I learned a couple of weeks ago that my sister has chosen the homosexual life style. I really don't know how to feel about it. I knew she was living the lifestyle for awhile now, but she accepted a ring from her friend. Though I don't know why I should be so shocked...actually I wasn't.

I love my sister, but I think she makes rash decisions about her life choices. She is as stubborn as I am, so that makes talking about things just that much more difficult sometimes. In the past two and a half years she has been engaged to be married to a man, and broke that off. Was breifly carrying a second man's children, (that ended) and broke that off. And now has decided she is gay. Like I said I really love her...she is my only sister...but I don't know how someone can waiver so much on such life changing decisions over such a short coarse of time. Trying to talk to her about biblical truths (which she was raised by) is near impossible. Almost always a fight, so I try to just be her brother...which is bad too sometimes ;o)

The thing is, I don't know what to say to her...or not to I just try to be as real as possible. She knows I disagree with her choice (not going to stop loving her though). She knows that the bible says it is wrong...though she thinks the bible is just tainted human ideas. No one was ever won to the Lord through argumentation....or so my friend RB says. So I am left with just voicing my opinion and agreeing to disagree with her. And of course that is what I do. I pray for the situation and my sister.


Holly said...

Whoa. I know it took a lot of courage to write all of this. You've been keeping it in for a long time. It is the source of a lot of your posts...though not all. We don't need to talk about the other source of your conflicts :o)

Holly said...

I had more to say about this. I've been so proud of you for not flaunting the fact that your sister is gay. You've kept it quiet and have only mentioned it if the subject comes up in conversations. But I've also seen many times where you have had the chance to say something and you bit your lip. You haven't sensationalized this at all. You and your family have dealt with it openly to each other but privately with the outside world. Huge leap of faith to finally put it out there. You've got an awesome support system and an awesome family (including your sister--she's flippin funny and the two of you together when you are getting should have a comedy act).

"Every little thing's gonna be alright..." Bob Marley (even though you don't like him)

Dan Price said...

sounds like you are really trying to love her well.

The Professor said...

Thanks for the support. And HMB, the source of my inner conflicts will be resolved eventually. God is the only one who can figure that out ;o) Just keep on praying.